Anyone in Ontario who is applying for a commercial driver’s licence or class A,B,C,D,E or F licence needs to get an MTO medical exam and submit the medical report to the MTO before they will receive their licence.
Once you obtain your class A-F licence, you will need to get a new MTO Medical exam every few years depending on your age.
This information was obtained from the Ontario Government webpage.
Ontario residents who have or are applying for a G class licence do not need to complete an MTO medical exam unless one is requested by the MTO. Individuals with particular health problems may be required to pass an MTO Physical Examination before operating their vehicle.
Our doctors are fully qualified, licenced, and experienced at performing these exams. Simply walk-in to our clinic and bring your licence along with any documentation that was provided to you by the Ministry of Transportation. Our doctors will perform the necessary examination and write up the report for you.
Please visit this page from the government of Ontario for information on how to submit your medical report once we have completed it at the walk-in clinic.